DESIGN WEEK 2015 – Design Circus, MILANO (MI)
DesignCircus is an event designed to give proper emphasis to quality self-production. The designers participating are distinguished for their talent, professionalism, creativity and desire to get involved in a unique and challenging environment. A unique event, whose first seven editions have been a great success of public and critics: by Domus to Abitare, Interior, from the portal VanityFair.it to “travel” Il Sole 24 Ore, up to SkyArte, Grace and ViviMilano , many are the media who have talked to us. DesignCirus offers participants a valuable help, thanks to a dynamic and attentive press office that follows them before and during the event and thanks to a creative studio that builds each time an effective communication on the web and in print. The dedicated website, catalog original made with the consolidated Arbos partners and its web version, a free download from the App Store and Google Play by partnering with PixelBook, give the right emphasis to the exhibitors, presenting their faces and their products . Fans and curious will be able to access the event for free and make the exclusive shopping experience, distributed mainly by purchasing products online, including unique pieces and premieres. Without forgetting DesignCircus Stationary: for the duration of the Expo, several locations throughout the city will put their windows and their spaces available to independent designers, for a daily appointment
with design … Too bad not being there!